After you apply for unemployment and receive an approval notice from your state, you can typically begin receiving your benefits within one week. Most states issue weekly unemployment benefits, which are calculated based on how much money you earned before becoming separated from your job.
Unemployment benefits are not meant to completely replace your previous income. As such, you will generally not receive the same amount of money as you once did. Each state has maximum weekly benefit amounts as well as maximum total benefit amount. Additionally, most states have limits to the number of weeks you can claim unemployment. In Florida, for example, you can claim benefits for a maximum of 12 weeks.
Most states require you to file unemployment claim documents weekly to continue receiving your unemployment benefits. So, if you’re wondering “how do I file for unemployment?” simply continue reading the sections below.
When you apply for unemployment online, most states prompt you to create an online account within the unemployment portal. This system makes it easy to check the status of your initial unemployment application, update your information, file your weekly claims and upload any other necessary documents.
To file unemployment claim documents each week, you’ll likely need to log into your account. These weekly claims help the state ensure that you are following all program requirements. For example, many states require you to participate in work search activities each week as a condition of receiving benefits.
Each state has its own criteria for what qualifies as a work search activity. For example, some states allow you to submit just one application and count it as an activity, while others require you to submit multiple.
Understanding your state’s work search requirements is key to learning how to get unemployment benefits in your state. You may need to log these activities online or fill out a worksheet that you can submit with your weekly claim.
Just like the unemployment application process may differ slightly between states, so does the weekly claim process. Generally, you can file your weekly claim in three steps:
1. Log into your online benefits account.
2. Submit a claim during the open filing process.
3. Provide information about your weekly work activities.
Most states have an unemployment application hotline you can call if you have any questions about filing a claim. If you disagree with your benefit amount, you may be able to file an appeal to determine if you should be earning more.
By Admin –